Hideas Socials and Ceremony
Transparent Hideas Logo like a bat signal over the world
Celebrating the virtues of Gratitude and Intention setting through ceremonies & creative social events.

Nature Loves Courage Ceremonial Carts

Nature Loves Courage Ceremonial Cart are built on intention expressed in the ingredients, in each of the four blends. Looking through the catalog you’ll surely find the right cart for your ceremony.

Token Of Gratitude

Creative Expression of Gratitude

Token of Gratitude combines ceremonial cacao with creative scrapbooking. The end result, a matchbook postcard and a portion of ceremonial cacao to give to someone you are grateful for.

Anything worth doing starts with an Intention...

With little scraps of paper, photographs from long ago, bits of string and rubber stamps, start a new page at the Scrapbook Intentions Social Event.
Nature Loves Courage Logo

Nature Loves Courage

Are you 25 + Older?


History and Heroes of Psychedelics
Dr Albert Hoffman's Bicycle Day
The Importance of Set, Setting and Sitting In A Hero's Dose Journey.
Alex and Ann Shulgin
Hideas Episodes are full of useful tips and interesting bits about Psychedelics and the people who championed them.