Gather up some bits of scrap paper, dry flowers and cut outs from old photographs. Set your intention on what you could do today, to direct a better tomorrow.

Scrapbook Intentions Flier

Scrapbook Journaling + Intention Setting + Microdosing

Start with a spark of inspiration from a quote that speaks to you. Write it in bold on a piece of paper and stick it on your scrapbook page. Draw out its special meaning with images, colours and objects, fastened with glue and pins. Let your subconscious loose in your creativity allowing what appears organically.
Scrapbook Intentions

What's Included:

  • Starter Black Page Scrapbook
  • Coloured Scraps of Paper, Sticker, Markers, Glue.
  • Hot Cup of Ceremonial Cacao.
  • Lion’s Mane Samples.

What's Also Included:

  • Deeper Understanding About Intention Setting
  • Opportunity To Make Friends or Hang Out With Old Ones.
  • A Chance For Creative Expression.
  • Choosing The Right Microdose Routine For You.


Keep Your Faith In the Process

An intention is a guiding principle for how you want to show up in your everyday life. It is rooted in how you want to live your life moment by moment, day by day, year by year.
Intentions make you reflect and ask yourself what matters most to you? How do you want to show up each day? For yourself. For your Family. For your community. For the world.

Come Back When You're Older

You must be 25 years or older to enter this page.