The Welcoming Embrace of the

Santo Daime

A Short Story About The Santo Daime

Santo Daime is a spiritual tradition that originated in the Brazilian Amazon in the 1930s, blending elements of Christianity, Afro-Brazilian traditions, and indigenous shamanism. It was founded by Raimundo Irineu Serra, commonly known as Mestre Irineu, who was introduced to ayahuasca—a powerful psychoactive brew used in indigenous rituals—by local shamans. Mestre Irineu had profound spiritual experiences while using the brew, which led him to create the Santo Daime religion. The name “Daime” comes from the Portuguese verb “dar,” meaning “to give,” reflecting the tradition’s belief in receiving divine guidance and healing through the sacrament of ayahuasca.
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Santo Daime Retreat + Ceremony

When seeking grounding in a world that grows increasingly unsteady, the pursuit of a spiritual connection beyond our shared reality draws us to an ancient sacrament, older than religion.
It would be wonderful to travel to a distant place to experience a Peruvian Ayahuasca Ceremony. Imagine a clear night sky visible through the open peak of a massive thatched roof, with scents of burning amber mingling divinely with the Icaros under the care of an indigenous shaman.
However, with increasing financial commitments and time demands, the opportunity is out of reach for most of us.

The Santo Daime

Live Interview

About Marina

I met Marina at a cacao event called The Chocolate Groove. The energy between us always feels like I’ve known her before life itself. My eyes get lost in the beadwork on her dress that she stitched with patterns from her ancestors. She is an incredible artist in her own right, she is also an Ancestral Medicine Ambassador and Facilitator from the Santo Daime.

Victory and Marina
Victory and Marina